Yi Jing Divination

How can we help you?

Yi Jing Divination is useful in providing guidance for making strategic and informed decision that will positively influence the outcome you so desire in the following:-

  1. What is the impact of making a management decision?
  2. What is the impact of making a business decision?
  3. Is this the right time to start a business?
  4. What should you know about going into a joint venture with a potential partner?
  5. What is the outcome should you decide to join a new company?
  6. How can you better manage your risk for your investments?

The outcome of divination is not cast in stone. It is meant to provide you with information that you do not know, so that you can take the appropriate actions to achieve or influence the outcome you so desire.  

What is Yi Jing Liu Yao Divination?

Yi Jing (易经or I Ching) is also known as the Book of Changes, is one of the oldest Chinese texts that contains a classical divination system centering on the concepts of:

  1. Dynamic balance of Yin (阴) and Yang (阳) energies;
  2. 5 elements of Metal (金), Wood (木), Water (水), Fire(火), and Earth (土);
  3. Ba Gua or 8 Trigrams (八卦), which are 8 types of three line combinations of Yin and Yang;
  4. Liu Yao Gua or Hexagram (六爻卦), which is stacking of 2 Gua forming a six line combinations of Yin and Yang; and
  5. 64 Hexagrams (六十四卦), describing 64 different types of situations, dilemmas and possible solutions.